Christiania's Architecture


Christiania is an open, recreational area filled with experiences. However, many of the visitors to the Freetown see only a fraction of Christiania’s diversity. The media often portraits Christiania as a synonym for Pusher Street, but this lovely green area in the middle of the city contains so much more. On this website we will give you an inside look of the various and playful architecture that Christiania holds. Many of Christiania’s experimental homes are constructed from a variety of reused materials. Buildings range from makeshift huts to elaborate constructions with green roofs. Because the Danish government didn’t want to recognize the community as a legitimate one, there were no zoning restrictions.

As a result, architects from all over Europe have come to Christiania to experiment with new techniques and styles that they might not be able to build elsewhere. Walking through the neighborhoods, one finds futuristic and ecologically sustainable architecture integrated with its natural surroundings. You can find the experimental architecture all over the Freetown, but we especially recommend a trip around the lake. Here you will find a great variety of homebuilt houses – even one with an exterior front built entirely of windows from other old buildings.


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Etiquette for visiting Christiania:
Christiania covers an area of more than 85 acres and almost one thousand inhabitants, but every year, more than a million people visit the Freetown. As a visitor you are more than welcome, but you must be aware of the fundamental rules of the Freetown of Christiania.

There are four unbreakable rules in Christiania:

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No hard drugs, no rocker badges, no weapons, no violence Other than the four rules that should be easy enough to follow, there are a few norms that you should go by to make your visit run smoothly:
• Christiania is an automobile-free town, so park your car outside the area, or even better: use public transportation to get there.
• Garbage sorting. Throw your refuse in the garbage barrels, and use the right barrel: compost, bottles, paper, card- board, inflammable waste and garbage.
• Toilets. Use the public toilets instead of nature (look at the map or ask).
• Follow the sign. Various areas of Christiania have their own set of rule, so pay attention to signs that gives you instructions on how to behave



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Tlf.: +45 7020 1971

Nyt forum – information office

Information og arkiv – Information and archive mail: nytforum @
Tlf.: +45 3295 6507

Økonomikontoret – the economy office

Håndterer Christianias fælles økonomi - Handle the collective economy of Christiania Mail: okonomi @
Tlf.: +45 3257 1785

Rundvisninger – Guided Tours

Bliv rundvist af en christianit og få et indblik i vores lille bysamfund og dets historie - Take a tour with a christianite and get the insider story of our little community and it’s history
Mail: bestilling @
Tlf.: +45 21 85 38 78