Unlike many other museums, Brede Works has an interactive part that lets the visitor better experience just what life was like back in the day. When arriving at the museum, first pick up an ActiveTicket and activate it. If you don’t know how, the receptionist will show you, and it’s just as free as the admission.
Afterwards, you can go experience the exhibition called The Factory where you choose one of the six characters working at Brede Works back when it produced clothes. Each character has their own story you call follow through the exhibition.
Insert your ActiveTicket in one of the machines and stand at the appointed place to see your chosen character interact with one of the others. All screens have different stories and interactions depending on the character you chose, and afterwards you can go back to choose a new character to see the stories from their point of view instead. If short of time, you are free to bring home your ActiveTicket so you can log into Brede Works’ website to see the videos you missed on your computer